go reiki!

Why choose Reiki?

Reiki is a completely safe, gentle and non-invasive therapy. The aim is to treat disorders at the underlying root of the problem as well as having a beneficial effect on symptoms. Even without any presenting illness, receiving Reiki shows bountiful benefits leaving one in a calm yet invigorated state, relaxed and de-stressed.

Reiki treatments are especially convenient as the recipient can remain fully clothed, be sitting or lying down and receive their treatment almost anywhere (at home, in a clinic or in the workplace).

What can be treated with Reiki?

Quite simply anything. It has been believed for thousands of years that physical, mental and emotional problems arise from the body's energy being blocked or sluggish.  Without healthy energetic flow the body's natural capacity to function is compromised, creating disorder within the cells, organs and physiological and mental processes. This lays foundations for disease (dis-ease) to take hold.  The relaxation and connection to natural energy that Reiki provides replenishes vitality with the aim of bringing the body and mind to a state of 'homeostasis', in which optimum function and condition is restored. 

From a more modern perspective,  we have scientifically proven evidence of the beneficial effects of meditative practise in encouraging accelerated healing within body and mind.  The process of safe human contact (something we seem to be short of in today's world) coupled with an hour's relaxation to disconnect with the outside world and recuperate has also been widely proven to have beneficial effects.

Reiki is increasingly being acknowledged as a beneficial therapy for both patients and staff in hospitals and hospices, including within the NHS, and Reiki Master/Teacher Kellie Gilmour has completed the necessary training to work within a multi-disciplinary team aimed specifically for NHS Oncology wards and hospices, via  Sam Buxton Sunflower Healing Trust.  

You can get in touch with Kellie here to find out more about having Reiki treatment during your hospital or hospice stay, or for support while visiting a loved one.  
Study evaluates patient-perceived benefits (up to 94%) from receiving Reiki at a cancer infusion centre and reports improvements in pain, mood, distress, sleep, and appetite in participants. Conclusion: "Reiki results in a broad range of symptomatic benefits, including improvements in common cancer-related symptoms" Symptomatic improvement reported after receiving Reiki at a cancer infusion center


Of course it is important to always consult with your GP if you are suffering from any symptoms of illness or injury, to diagnose or rule out anything that may need immediate medical attention.  Reiki can be performed perfectly safely along side any prescribed treatment from your doctor, helping to access a state of deep rest that changes the physical and emotional responses to stress, thus encouraging an ideal environment for healing to take place.

What to expect of your Reiki Treatment

Reiki is given with the recipient fully clothed and usually lay on a couch or mattress, but can be given just as effectively in a comfortably seated position, for convenience or for people with postural or mobility issues. The session can take place almost anywhere, in a clinic, at home, or even in the workplace. The practitioner should ask you some questions about the reason for your visit and may take a short history from you, keeping records of the treatments should you wish.  You will then be asked to get comfortable while the practitioner prepares for the treatment.  The Reiki treatment commences with the practitioner meditating for a few moments, then placing their hands in positions around the head and body, either directly onto the body or hovering just above. Some say that they feel a gentle flowing sensation through the body, or warmth or tingling during the treatment. Some recipients notice surges of emotion during the treatment. The session is usually around 30 minutes to an hour but can be as long or as short as you wish. When the treatment has finished the practitioner may ask you some questions about how you feel, with most saying that they feel an unusual but pleasant sensation of both relaxation but also energised. You may feel a bit woozy after the treatment and so your practitioner will recommend that you have a drink of water and take a few minutes to ensure that you are OK to go on about your day, this is purely because of the extremely relaxing nature of the treatment.  

Choosing a Professional Reiki Practitioner

It is worth noting that many spiritual, energy or faith healing practices can be found under the umbrella of "Reiki Healing".  Even though Reiki is an extremely gentle and non-invasive therapy, if you are seeking a professional treatment it makes sense to ensure that your practitioner is a safe, conscientious and honorable one. They should hold qualifications in the form of Reiki Degrees 1 and 2 at least, up to Master Practitioner or Master Teacher, have a strong lineage that leads on from Mikao Usui Sensei and having received their attunements in person from their own Master (not via online or from eBay - it happens!). 

They should hold up to date practitioner insurance and have membership to a professional association such as The UK Reiki Federation which ensures that their members follow a strong code of ethics and adhere to the best professional practices and conduct.

Principle for go reiki! and Master Practitioner/Teacher Kellie Gilmour holds all of the above with an ideal and strong lineage in both Western-style, Japanese and clinical Reiki practices, contact her here for more information on the importance of choosing a Reiki Practitioner or Teacher in your area.